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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Let's just admit it: I am a yenta. A Jewrican yenta: it gives me endless pleasure to get involved and help people solve their problems. Obviously, in a former life, I was an kvetchy, elderly yenta match-maker in the Pale of Settlement, nagging people to, "Settle, settle!" Then, a lot of  unpleasant yet fascinating history happened, my family moved to Brooklyn (fun fact: my paternal grandfather was a furrier, with a gambling addiction) and the rest is herstory. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
So now, I'm kvetchy, non-elderly, Jewrican creativity coach, nagging people to refuse to settle, and instead have the courage to figure themselves out, and create a life that makes sense to them. The business is still growing and evolving, but when you see clients really starting to "get it," and understand how much power they have to create the opportunities they need, when you see clients starting to value themselves...I get a little verklempt. (Like this, nu? )
(I don't think here we need to go into the fact that I dropped out of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue Hebrew School but in my defense: I thought I was an anarchist. Oy.)
So, apparently I'm a yenta. If being a yenta means that I'm not happy until you're sue me. That's how I roll, yo...

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