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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today the New York Public Library, tomorrow...

Here's some info about my first upcoming lecture at the New York Public Library which means: 1) how awesome am I?? and 2) I need to stop kvetching and finish this lecture so that it's not 3am the morning of and I'm freaking the fudge out. (Though, that was my (cough cough) "plan" in la esquela de law and it served me well. Or, at least, I graduated with a big ole diploma. How many exams did I write masterful outlines for, and study for days on end...and then bomb? Meanwhile in my third year, when I had given up, I got the A star in the Admin Law exam and literally was reduced to stunned silence. As, I'm sure, was the professor...)
But, I digest.

Come on down! It'll be fun. No pop quizzes. Snacks possible.

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